Network Appliance Network Card Reseller Partner Program User Manual |
Follow the Leader
in Data Storage:
Network Appliance
Network Appliance delivers the three things you need
to build and maintain a successful business—the right
market, the right products, and the right programs.
Data storage is now one of the fastest growing markets
in technology. And in this market, Network Appliance
is the world leader in open network storage solutions
for today’s data-intensive enterprise.
Since our founding in 1992, Network
Appliance has been first to introduce the
technology, products, and partnerships
that drive the evolution of storage. Now
we are a full-line enterprise storage solu-
tions supplier, leading the innovation and
value curves for today’s data-intensive
Storage Is Today’s Growth Market
Improving and building their storage
resources is a high priority in corporations
all across the U.S. and the world.
According to a February 2002 survey
by CIO Magazine, an average 22% of a
company's total IT budget will be allocated
to storage this year. Some analysts
estimate that number will be as high as
50%1. 63% of the CIO survey base
expects their storage spending to
Our solutions address the key customer
challenges around storage consolidation,
data-center operations, business continu-
ance, and global storage management.
Our broad and diverse product mix pro-
vides solutions for all types of enterprise
data—from mission-and business-critical
data that drive sophisticated CRM, DSS,
and ERP systems to remote-office/branch-
office data and archive/reference data.
increase over 2001—up by 27% on
average in 2002 compared to 2001.
The International Data Corporation (IDC),
an independent research firm, says that
networked storage is one of the fastest
growing segments of this market,
estimating that 1.3 million terabytes of
“Network Appliance has been very successful with NAS and
must be viewed favorably as being able to carve out a piece
of the SAN market .”
t h e eval uat or gr oup
October 11, 2002
solutions require a mere fraction of the
IT staff required by competitive solutions.
to recent studies by INPUT, IDC, and the
GIGA Group1 Network Appliance solutions
deliver the industry’s lowest total cost
of ownership by allowing customers to
architect solutions that require less time
and staff to implement and manage.
fit easily into heterogeneous computing
and networking environments, enabling
you to easily integrate your solutions into
a customer’s business.
Business Continuance
effectiveness and productivity. NetApp
storage solutions can quickly replicate
and relay information to one or many
locations, providing remote offices with
the data, application performance, and
online training they need to stay just as
current as the corporate headquarters.
HIGH AVAILABILITY: NetApp solutions have
a real-world demonstrated data availabili-
ty of greater than 99.99%; this amounts
to just 30 minutes of downtime a year
versus 38 hours with traditional storage.
Now more than ever, businesses must
focus on disaster preparedness and
recovery. Minutes of downtime are costly.
Hours of downtime can be catastrophic.
Working in concert with a customer’s
existing networking infrastructure,
Network Appliance storage solutions
provide comprehensive disaster readi-
ness. With NetApp solutions, you can
help customers implement remote site
mirroring and disaster recovery plans
quickly and effectively, without added
administration costs.
All this means that when you recommend
and sell a NetApp solution, you’ve sold
the best storage available today—and
made a customer for life.
The Right Solutions for
Today’s Market
To meet today’s challenges, many busi-
nesses must make fundamental changes
in the way they store and distribute data
and information. Network Appliance
solutions provide the answer with simple
and easy ways to consolidate storage
for greater productivity and cost savings:
1 Source:
Global Storage Management
As a customer’s operations grow, it
becomes increasingly difficult to provide
timely information to remote locations
and branch offices, jeopardizing their
net wor k a ppl ia nc e pr ogr ess a nd mil est ones
Co-Founded DAFS
Industry First NAS
Industry First
Storage Appliance
Industry First Content
Delivery Appliance
Industry First Nearline
Storage Appliance
First Block-Based
Network Storage
Initial Public Offering
Industry First Network
Storage Appliance
Certified for Oracle
Added to NASDAQ-
100 and S&P 500
Industry First
Unified SAN and
NAS Appliance
Superior Products Are Just
the Beginning
A Complete Customer
Service Offering
of NetApp storage solutions, real-time
engineering support, details on the
customer’s installed base, and more.
Along with technically superior storage
products, Network Appliance backs its
solutions with services, R&D, testing, and
partner alliances to support your efforts.
Network Appliance also provides a range
of best practices, architecture, design,
implementation, and integration services
to help you rapidly implement solutions
for your customers under the full range
of commercial best practices.
NetApp Professional Services works
with you and your customers to provide
a storage solution that meets their unique
requirements—assessing the customer’s
specific operational and technical needs,
designing the storage network architec-
ture, and deploying and managing
the solution.
Our Business Is Making Your
Business a Success
The Network Appliance VIP (Very
Important Partner) Program is focused
on keeping NetApp resellers successful
and on the competitive edge with industry-
leading products and solutions, excellent
discount levels, and comprehensive
sales, marketing, demo, training, and
certification programs focused on winning
and retaining customers.
To ensure that your customer’s employ-
ees always work at maximum efficiency,
NetApp Educational Services provides
comprehensive training and certification
programs. Available anytime and any-
where, our comprehensive NOW™
In addition, Network Appliance works
with a wide range of hardware, software,
and IT industry leaders to provide com-
prehensive solutions that enable you to
support a customer’s most aggressive
e-business initiatives with complete,
highly available, and totally efficient
business infrastructures. You gain a real
competitive advantage while your cus-
tomers get turnkey solutions that solve
their most critical business problems.
(NetApp on the Web) site features an
array of self-service tools that give your
customers the knowledge and information
they need to manage their storage
solution. NOW provides online technical
assistance, a large knowledge base
“Only Network Appliance offers a full line of information storage
and access solutions for online, nearline, and distributed data
requirements. And only Network Appliance offers unified SAN
and NAS solutions to fit into customers’ existing or preferred
configurations. This unified approach to storage sets NetApp
apart in the industry and enables us to deliver what customers
demand for their enterprise applications.”
dan war menh oven
CEO, Network Appliance
NetApp Registered Service Providers
(RSPs) are Network Appliance authorized
service agents and the first line of service
support for the RSP’s customers.
Uncover a New World of Simplicity
Where others manage complexity,
Network Appliance eliminates it. For
more than a decade, our solutions have
set the standard for simplicity and ease
of operation, with the lowest TCO and
highest ROI in the storage industry.
Through our leadership and innovation,
we are now defining the enterprise
storage solutions of the future and con-
tinue to drive the evolution of storage.
For more information on becoming a
Network Appliance reseller, visit us at Let us show you
what the evolution of storage means
for your business.
Network Appliance provides technical
training, certification, a connection to
the Network Appliance Global Support
Center, and access to special support
contracts geared toward each RSP’s
special needs as providers of first-line
service on Network Appliance products.
NetApp Value-Added Resellers (VARs) have
a different business model and different
needs, in which Network Appliance delivers
direct service and support. Network
Appliance provides prompt coverage for
parts and people, SCP-certified support
centers, the award-winning NOW™ Web
site, and worldwide partner support
Our VIP Program provides multiple levels
of partnership—one of which is certain
to fit your business model. Starting from
a basic sales volume commitment, each
level up earns you greater rewards, bene-
fits, and support as you achieve higher
levels of revenue. Working with you, your
Network Appliance representative can
help determine the level of commitment
that’s right for your business.
engineering resources that NetApp VARs
can leverage. The award-winning NOW
site also includes a partner portal and a
Reseller Corner containing sales tools,
resource information, marketing programs,
and the latest corporate updates to
enhance the selling efforts of our VARs.
Network Appliance, Inc.
© 2002 Network Appliance, Inc. All rights reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. NetApp and the Network Appliance logo are
registered trademarks and Network Appliance, NOW (NetApp on the Web), and The evolution of storage are trademarks of Network Appliance, Inc.
in the U.S. and other countries. All other brands or products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be
treated as such. DS-2430 12/02
495 East Java Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
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